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Quizamán Lex

Hello, my name is Alex Quizaman, if you are reading this it is because you are my a teacher or a classmate, so I doubt I have not to introduce myself, but since apparently I have to introduce myself I will. As I said, my name is Alexander Quizaman, I was born in Mexico and I am 16 years old, although fortunately and/or unfortunately, people usually think that I am older. Because this is a school project, I decided that the best way to talk about myself would be from an academic perspective. Since I can remember, I had a great facility for subjects such as mathematics, chemistry and physics, but a slight conflict with subjects such as Spanish, English and natural sciences, but I really couldn't tell you why, the current career that I am studying today is mechatronics, I could tell you why, since I was a child I have always been a great fan of fiction with stories like Ironman. , Star Wars, Blade Runner, etc., which began to generate a taste in me towards robotics, electronics and ot

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